
Technical service
CURRENT LOCATION: About us > Technical service

                     WHZWM will provide professional technical service for you

         Technical service hotline in 24 hours - TEL: 15327197099, 13098888556

Equipment selection 

We will provide complete engineering and technical solutions for machinery according to the actual requirements of customers, including suggestions on production process and reasonable selection of equipment.

New product development

With the expansion of polyurethane application scope, our technical team will closely follow the new technology of the industry and provide customers with advanced and reasonable polyurethane equipment to meet their production needs.

Technical support 

We have opened a 24-hour technical support hotline to provide basic fault judgment, troubleshooting and operation guidance services for customer equipment faults.

Technical training 

In order to meet the needs of different customers for equipment use, maintenance and repair, we provide technical training services all year round, including equipment working principle, equipment use and operation, parts structure and repair.

Equipment Transformation

We provide cyclopentane transformation project, including equipment transformation, plant process layout and supporting safety facilities, so that the transformed system fully meets the German TüV standard.

Aftersale service

We have a professional after-sales service team, which can respond quickly to equipment faults and arrive at the site in time to reduce the impact of equipment problems on production.

Spare parts supply

We have established long-term good cooperative relations with domestic and foreign spare parts manufacturers and set up a special spare parts warehouse, which can provide you with common imported and domestic spare parts such as mixing head, metering pump, pressure switch, joint, pipeline and seal in time.
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