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WHZWM will Show on PU CHINA 2018
Release time:2018-07-17    Read:293

Wuhan Zhengwei Machinery Co.,Ltd (WHZWM) will take part in the 16th China International Polyurethane Exhibition (PU CHINA 2018) on August 1st – 3rd, 2018,  at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre in Shanghai, China. Our stand is No.680.

Organised by Crain Communications Ltd., MinMetals Corporation and Chinese Polyurethane Industry Association (CPUIA), PU CHINA is the most established annual event for the polyurethanes market in Asia-Pacific region and even in the world. This event has been successfully held 15 sessions in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Guangzhou since being set up in 1995. In recent years, WHZWM attended this event every year.

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